Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) combines the principles of acupuncture and modern neurology with direct microcurrent stimulation.
For each condition, the therapist applies concentrated direct current (DC) micro-stimulation to points that isolate specific nerves, muscles and tissues involved with your injury. Applied by a non-invasive point stimulator, MPS current produces a low frequency (2-4 Hz square wave) acupuncture-like response that has been shown to:
Release muscle tension and joint restriction
Balance functional asymmetries seen during activities
Repolarize and release scar tissue
Decrease pain and tissue sensitivity
Release endorphins producing general relaxation
Decrease abnormal muscle tone and tension
Increase reinnervation of neural pathways
MPS is very different from other forms of electrical stimulation like TENS (alternating current) in both application precision and waveform.
Dr. Robert Becker, orthopedic surgeon, researcher and the father of osteogenesis documented in his book, The Body Electric, “The perineural cells or nerve sheaths carry a direct current of electricity, prompting the body to grow, heal, regenerate and repair itself. No subsequent healing of any injury may occur without DC stimulation.”
MPS is most effective when used in multiple sessions in combination with a variety of awareness, movement, and manual therapies to help create a long term positive outcome. MPS is effective for many conditions, such as: